Playa Piskado
(also known as Playa Grandi or Playa Forti)
When you are at Playa Piskado, You can dive to the right (Playa Forti) or to the left (Sweet Alice). The dive here is beautiful.
Since fishing boats come in regular and the fishermen clean their fish on the dock and throw the rest of the fish next to the doc you are almost guaranteed to always find turtles here.
They absolutely love the easy food and they have even gotten used to divers and snorkelers. The bigger ones almost seem like they know how to pose for pictures!
There is also a beautiful sunken Neptune statue a bit further out as the wall begins to drop.
It is also very common to spot seahorses on the mooring lines of the boat.
Not one of the prettiest beaches in Curacao but definitely one of the top diving and snorkeling spots!
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